View Profile AceBaronLuigi

17 Movie Reviews

4 w/ Responses

Excuse me while I pick up my brains...

...because you just blew my mind. I mean, whoa. You better be glad you made this, because you know what? You raised a bar. I don't what bar, but I'm damned sure that it's a pretty big one. I know I'm sounding like a brown noser right now, but seriously... wow. I wish I saw this in time for Halloween, but, hey. That's not spoiling anything for me. It certainly made my Day of the Dead interesting.

This is truly epic.

It sends a messge about the futility of man, about how powerful though we may be, no matter how many bombs or WMDs man can produce, or scientific advancements he may achieve in order to gain knowledge about the world and ultimately himself, in the end there will always be... B. And any of you who say nay... You just don't understand the true epic power of this piece. You don't. And I pity you. B pities you.

Hilarious to fans

I love Watchmen. It's one of, if not the greatest comic book ever. And as everyone knows, the secret to good comedy is making light of seriousness, and what could be more serious than Watchmen? This is absolutely hilarious... to Watchmen fans... It's completely filled with in-jokes, like Rorschach petting two German shepards (which he brutally slaughtered in the comic book, though with good reason), or 3 Dr. Manhattens in bed. It's really what The Mask animated series was like. Nothing like the source. But here, it's meant to be that way. And it's great. If you are a Watchmen fan, you owe it to yourself to watch this now.


Extremely dialogue heavy, but hey, that's my kinda thing. As long as it's funny, which it is! It's sort of a mix atween Monty Python, G.I. Joe, & Aqua Teen with randomness spewing out of every corner, and an impeccable art style, giving what appears to be a serious overtone, and then smacks you in the face with the bit about Cherry Cola. I've never really watched material as original as this (besides Homestar Runner), and the only Flash I usually watch are just parodies, which don't seem to be as popular anymore, though maybe with good reason. But there IS a reason why this is THE BEST flash on newgrounds. Check it out. Seriously.

Yatta! ( I did it! in Japanese)

Your sound seems to be a lot more ...crisp, if you know what I mean. Did you get a new mike? In my last review, you lectured me on you not making Sega movies, because they're 'a lot harder to make than Not Nintendo movies' and yet, after my 2, 3, 4 month absence I've looked in your profile BAM! I see about 20, 30, 40 Sonic cartoons... what's up with that? Also, great work on the series! Some things... Itermission, from the 1965 Beatles movie HELP! as well as the post a letter sequence. 8-bit themes from Game Gear Sonic Games, you've fit in things from almost every Sonic game (like TheRealLegend2), Metal Sonic's in a tube like Sonic Adventure. Keep up the good work!

RogerregoRRoger responds:

"Sega movies, because they're 'a lot harder to make than Not Nintendo movies'"

Say what? Did i say that? Maybe i did say nintendo games are easier then others, but then i was referring to adult serious gamesl ike metal gear, resident evil, final fantasy, that stuff what doesn't fit with my art at all.

Do more! Do more!

Hey I love your T. R. L stuff. And I can guess a little one of your secrets. When Link hits the Scream painting with the battle with Phantom Ganon it's the exact same sound clip from Alein Hominid when you burn the F.B.I. agents. Are you going to make more and if so, when?

"You have failed me for the last time."

Personally, I think it be wierder if Darth Vader just happened to have a really crappy Tandy. And is this your first STARWARS flash? Well at least you are expanding upon your horizons. It's not that I hate your Mario or tons of Zelda flashes but... Nothing but Nintendo gets boring after a while. Hey and what about cameos? I would have expected at least General Grievous in there. Oh and Chris from Sonic X... Do ya think you could make Sonic too? -Ace Baron Luigi.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

General grievious is far to complicated to draw for me, i would totally screw that up ^^;
Nah, only cameo is for Dark Helmut.

Oh i made more sonic movies then Mario and Zelda combined. Problem about making parodies of NOT nintendo games, is that i get flamed at once, Final fnatasy, metal gear and castlevania fans wouldn't like what i'd do with their heroes.
Kingdom hearts and a harry Potter movie is most non nintendo sonic stuff you cna expect, or random cameos and references to movies in IMP. Or maybe a Beavis and Butthead movie ,tough my older ones are not well received.. O_o;

Overall is actually a gazillion y'know.

I really enjoy your Decline series. Before I joyned NG, My ol' buddy marioking showed me this and I've been hooked. And I enjoy your little BURNINATED!'s. It was good'd! (Ow! I hope they have this cartoon in heaven!)

Age 30, Male



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