Yatta! ( I did it! in Japanese)
Your sound seems to be a lot more ...crisp, if you know what I mean. Did you get a new mike? In my last review, you lectured me on you not making Sega movies, because they're 'a lot harder to make than Not Nintendo movies' and yet, after my 2, 3, 4 month absence I've looked in your profile BAM! I see about 20, 30, 40 Sonic cartoons... what's up with that? Also, great work on the series! Some things... Itermission, from the 1965 Beatles movie HELP! as well as the post a letter sequence. 8-bit themes from Game Gear Sonic Games, you've fit in things from almost every Sonic game (like TheRealLegend2), Metal Sonic's in a tube like Sonic Adventure. Keep up the good work!